Conservative Fact Media

A source for Conservative thought.


I want to establish a term before I dig into how you can help. We refer to people as Leftists on this page, not Democrats, RINOs, Socialists, Communists, etc. The reason is that they are all essentially the same. They want centralized power in the hands of a few very violent and hate-filled people. They all share the same tenets, and all are ok with killing people who think differently than they do.

The first thing you can do is stop arguing with Leftists.

That’s right; stop arguing with them on social media, in person, on the phone, or anywhere else. The reason is pretty simple. Leftists think differently than we do, and they argue to change the narrative. On the other hand, we, on the Right, argue based on facts and history.

Saul Alinksy, one of President Obama’s favorite authors, wrote the book Rules for Radicals. In that book, there is basically a step-by-step guide for Leftists on how to change a society to a Communist society. It is not a secret; the Left always tells you exactly what they are doing, and this book is no different. There is a good overview HERE.

But rule 10 states, “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” You see, the Left is not trying to argue at all. They are trying to change the narrative by constantly pushing lies and half-truths; eventually, others will consider their lies facts. Think about it; how many “facts” does the left use that is entirely made up? Hint: the answer is tons.

Stop isolating people on the Right for making a mistake.

Referring to Alinksy again, see rule 12; “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” We see this constantly in the media, essentially what Cancel Culture is about. The Left never ostracizes their own, no matter what they say or do. But, on the right, we cancel our people for even the slightest infractions. Guess what? We are playing into the Lefts tactics perfectly. We will fight among ourselves for every single little social issue, even though, as a whole, we agree on the grand ideas.

We have to realize that segregating people into little classes is how the Left destroys us as a society. We are so busy trying to be right amongst ourselves that we completely ignore the enemy, that is, the Left, and they just slowly do whatever they want. The Left has named this theory Nudge Theory (the book is HERE) to refer to slowly but surely implementing their agenda in small pieces so society does not realize what is happening, and the next thing you know, free speech is no longer free, or the 2nd amendment is no longer allowed, even though the amendment itself never changed. This theory was created by Cass Sunstein, President Obama’s Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs and a so-called “legal scholar.”

Stop ignoring the small things; everything is a slippery slope to the Left.

Most of you know what the term slippery slope means. But it is essentially a term that means the Left will change things little by little until their whole agenda is in place, and we do not even realize what they are doing. If there is one thing the Left is great at, it is playing the long game. Everything with the Left is cyclical and played for decades. They are the most ruthless political group ever in history and the most evil. So it makes sense that if you are evil, and they know it, you have to win because losing means you go to prison or are executed for treason. So, they never give up and never stop implementing their changes. Sometimes, they spend decades fighting for the same agendas.

However, we on the Right are content with little wins and then move on. A great example is the election of Donald Trump to the office of President. We celebrated that win, and still are, as a victory for the Right. But the Left waited until we were silent, complacent, and struck again. Everything President Trump implemented during his Presidency was overturned in a matter of weeks when President Biden took office. And that is a perfect example of playing the long game. The Left knows we will get comfortable and lazy; given enough time, they will have the opportunity to strike again. Essentially, the right will do little about it because the “rules” do not allow us to do so. 

We have to pay attention and stay vigilant. Everything the Left does is a NUDGE to implement their Communist plans. We have to fight and never give up. And by fight, I mean to speak up; do not remain silent about your beliefs. Post that meme on social media, tell that Leftist Uncle to shut up at Thanksgiving, yell at that School Board meeting, put that sign in your yard, and do it without fear. Because there are more of us than there are of them, and we all know it. We should be fearless.



Carlos Latuff, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. (n.d.). SCAF took one sniff of freedom of speech and HATED it! (n.d.). Saul Alinsky’s 12 Rules for Radicals.
Rules for Radicals – Saul Alinsky. (n.d.).
Saul Alinsky’s 12 Rules for Radicals. (2018, April 22). Sliwa Insights.
Thaler, R. H., & Sunstein, C. R. (2009). Nudge: Improving decisions about health, wealth, and happiness (Revised&Expanded edition). Penguin Books.