Conservative Fact Media

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Gun Control Zealots Rarely Know What They Are Talking About-Check This Out

When it comes to protecting our Constitutional rights, Democrats are on the side of Fascism. Rarely is any Constitutional right so attacked as the Second Amendment. And not surprisingly, these gun-grabbing politicians usually have no clue what they are talking about. Remember, these are the same people who called us all stupid for not masking up because we are not doctors. Now, these self-proclaimed firearms experts know everything there is to know about gun rights and what Americans do and do not need to participate in any firearms activities.

Most Conservatives are fully aware that the left wants to take away our constitutional Second Amendment rights because they know a well-armed citizen is a free citizen. Anybody who has even taken a cursory look into the history of the Second Amendment knows that it was written to protect the citizens from a fascist government. Not the other way around.

With all of this in mind, here is an excellent example of a gun-grabbing politician displaying his “expert” knowledge of firearms and why citizens should not be allowed to own them. Do you trust these words?